Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Exactly Who Legalized Aspartame and When?


From Norfolk Genetic Information Network (Taken from Welcome to the Spin Machine by Michael Manville )
In 1985 Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet. Monsanto was apparently untroubled by aspartame's clouded past, including a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it "might induce brain tumors."
The FDA had actually banned aspartame based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (currently the Secretary of Defense) vow to "call in his markers," to get it approved.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Op Ed: Should We Re-Examine the Truth About Vaccines? | Bible Prophecy And Gospel Alerts

For a little over a 100 years now (as of 2015), we have allowed the U.S. Government, including institutes like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), mainstream media and major pharmaceutical companies to run false flag operations to deceive us into believing they are the absolute source of truth on human life. We have been repeatedly told misinformation to the point where a lie has become the truth, and we know who the father of lies is (Satan). For instance, we have blindly accepted that vaccines are the only ways to protect human life without question. Not only are we NOT skeptical of this 100 year-old lie, we have blindly accepted it as absolute truth. Few of us dare question the background of Jonas Salk, the deceptive father of the polio vaccine that propelled vaccines into the mainstream. He, along with other “great” medical figures, actually relied on unethical human experiments involving the defenseless, such as those in mental institutions or prisons.

Now we have a disease-causing vaccine industry that is a beast unto itself.

Just recently, an outbreak of measles occurred in California – the “Disneyland Outbreak” since the news media says it started at Disneyland, of all places.

Op Ed: Should We Re-Examine the Truth About Vaccines? | Bible Prophecy And Gospel Alerts